The annual Summer Fair, hosted by The Prince of Wales Hospice, is back and HARIBO will be proud sponsors again this year.

Taking place on Sunday 26 June, within the hospice gardens, families are promised an afternoon of fun, with musical performances, great food and drink, as well as a selection of stalls and garden games.

“This is a wonderful event, which we are really pleased to sponsor,” comments Julie Beaman, Corporate Communications Assistant at HARIBO. “Each year, the hospice team works hard to delight guests; it really is a great afternoon for all the family. This year will also feature a Build Your Teddy Bear stall, which we know Goldbear will be very excited to see!

“We are looking forward to seeing lots of people there and helping the Prince of Wales Hospice raise as much money as they can to continue their great work locally.”

The event takes place on Sunday 26 June, from 12:00pm to 4:00pm at the Prince of Wales Hospice at Halfpenny Lane in Pontefract. Entry to this event is by donation. To find out more, visit The Prince of Wales Hospice website: The Prince of Wales Hospice - UK Charity Fundraising & Palliative Care (pwh.org.uk)